Anotha Level
Product DesignAnotha Level
Product Design
Anotha Level®
Anotha Level is a lifestyle apparel brand established in the spring of 2000 in Sacramento, California. Shortly after we moved operations to Oakland in 2003, and finally Salinas in 2011. We’ve been operating and producing products shared by 23,000+ happy customers across the globe.
Product Design
Apparel Brand | California
EST. 2000

Persona building
- Age: 25 – 40
- Location: California, United States
- Gender: Male
- Interests: Wellness, Music, Creative Art, Sports and Outdoors
- Education Level: College Graduate
- Income: $65-85K
- Relationship Status: Single
- Interested In: Art, Music, Outdoors
- Language: English
- Buying Motivation: Wants to stand out while expressing their interests in art and music
- Buying Concerns: Price conscious
Competitive Analysis
Looking at competitors we’re able to understand where we want to be in the market. We look at pricing structures, email campaigns and subscription strategy, social strategy, and to gain insight into the style direction for new products.

Competitive Analysis
SEO and marketing strategy
We also research the competitor user-path to understand users actions in the competitor marketing and sales funnels. We do this research all the up through a complete purchase cycle including product fulfillment and email follow-up to determine how competitors are handling the end-to-end customer journey and user experience. Additionally we take a look into their marketing and SEO strategy using tools like SEMrush, and MOZ.

KPI Marketing Framework
AcquisitionHow will users be acquired?
BehaviorWhat should users do on the website?
OutcomeWhat is the desired result?
1. Identify Objectives
2. Identify Goals
3. Define Key Performance Indicators
4. Identify Targets
5. Identify Segments
Set targets
- Look at historical performance
Create Segments
- Source – where they came from
- User type – new or existing
- Pages – blogs that have most acquisition etc.
Objectives / Goals / KPI’s
- Increase sales
- Number of orders
- Conversion
- Increase order value
- Transactions
- Average Order value
- conversion Rate
- Create brand awareness
- Get visitors
- Get new visitors
- Total users
- New users
- Generate leads
- Email lists
- Newsletter
- Track newsletter signups

Discovery and qualitative testing
Field studies
We participate and showcase our products against very steep competition in our brand niche across California and the western United States at art and music events with over 30,000+ in attendance in some locations. We use this opportunity to interview customers and observers. We ask questions strategic to our goals and research sometimes up to hundreds of users over the course of 3-5 days. Active listening, directed interviews and ethnographic observation are applied.

Field Studies
Active listening and observation
With this customer and observer engagement we ask about our products, where we can improve, immediate thoughts, and perception of our brand. Including what users are interested in, what brought them to our brand, their issues, problem areas, and how we can improve their experience.
We record these tests and use the research information to make improvements and strategize our products.
Design Review
With every new design addition or updating to our products we conduct multiple design reviews. We have users take a look at what improvements we’ve made, we ask questions about the new features, what stands out, what they find exciting, and what are we leaving out that they would expect to find.
We hear opportunities to improve the checkout process, how users can’t find a certain item, or confusing subdirectories. We can then understand the problems and improve.

User interviews
We regularly engage with customers on our private groups, social media, in-person and remotely. We assign specific tasks for users to complete to see where they are getting stuck, or having a hard time on our website. We also observe users to see how they interact with the site. In addition we also apply these interviews with our physical products. Using interviews we’re able to make changes, address needs and and understand our customers and users.

We use Google Analytics and Facebook insights to research our visitors, converters, and demographics to further understand our user personas and target demographic. Also we see sources for conversions and recognize strategy to implement to increase sales.

Visions for the future
Trends and forecasting
Understanding the trend design cycle we’re able to forecast future trends using past, classic, and fad identification to make better product design choices for timeless design, hitting popularity when needed, and identifying changes in the marketplace.

Keyword research
We look into design and style trends using Google keyword research. We’re able to see interest or a decline in activity and make adjustments to reflect growth opportunities. Here we can see the decline of the surfing term over the last 10 years. We did some research on trend outlooks for growth using world-wide sales statistics to see that surfing is poised to make a comeback.
With the introduction with new technology inland surfing is becoming a real thing. Also looking at the competition we can see new surf brands making their mark pro surfers are establishing their own brands once again as sales within conglomerate brands are in decline leaving the door for new opportunity.

Listening to users
Analytics review
Here we identify problem areas, exit pages, abandonment issues, confirmation issues. Also site-wide demographics, backlinks, conversion rates, ecommerce statistics and much more.
I’ve taken courses to understand this abundance of information. I can create custom notifications when certain goals are missed or achieved, setup funnels, A/B tests, and really understand what users are doing on site.

Customer reviews
Upon customer check-out we have a automated email drip system for conformation, product followup, review prompt, and finally a survey. Then they are automatically moved from a new customer list to the subscription and newsletter list for future campaigns.

We setup customer reviews, surveys email campaigns, private groups, colleges, even competitor feedback.

Search log analysis
Looking at search logs for product information to make decisions for growth.

Usability-bug reviews
Looking into runtime errors and bugs in the system.

End-to-end product development
From a single idea spark to complete development of both physical and digital products. Including shipping and delivery of items.

Apparel brand
Product development
Crowd source Feedback
Make adjustments
Seasonal product deadlines in some instance beginning up to a year in advance
Additional Assets – Password Protected